The California Presidential Primary Election is on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. In San Francisco, there are a number of important issues on the ballot. To help you make an informed decision, CAA is proud to endorse the following local ballot propositions.
San Francisco Propositions
YES ON A – Affordable Housing Bond
Support housing for low-income seniors, workers, and victims of domestic abuse and trafficking
Build affordable housing for low-income seniors, workers, and women survivors and victims of domestic abuse and trafficking to address the city’s affordable housing crisis. Safe and affordable housing, especially in San Francisco, is a major expense for working class families and a critical basic need. Funds from a $300 million general obligation bond would be used to build 1500 units of affordable housing, preserve 60 existing units, and create 120 shelter beds for survivors. More affordable housing means that seniors can age in place, workers can live closer to their jobs, and women survivors of abuse and trafficking can recover safely. The funding will be subject to independent citizen oversight and regular audits.
NO ON B – Police Officer Staffing Based on Future Funding
Prioritize schools, jobs, healthcare, and housing instead of ineffective policing
Community safety is achieved through the investment in and improvement of local neighborhoods, schools, jobs, healthcare, and housing. This measure purports to increase police staffing contingent upon a new revenue source but police staffing levels have shown little effect on reducing crime. As recent as 2020, voters have voiced clear opposition to minimum police staffing levels, and instead have urged the city to invest in long-term, holistic safety measures that improve basic needs like education and housing.
NO ON E – Police department policies and procedures
Prevent dangerous police chases on our streets
Say no to this measure that would allow police chases for minor offenses that routinely end in deaths or serious injuries, including to innocent bystanders. Many densely populated cities, such as Atlanta, Chicago, and Cincinnati, limit police chases because it is so dangerous for everyone. This measure would also lead to unlimited police surveillance, including low-flying police drones, and historically, surveillance technology has led to the unjust arrests and incarceration of many Chinese, Japanese, and other communities of color in the United States. Lastly, reject Prop E for weakening police accountability and reporting requirements.
NO ON F – Mandatory Substance Screening for Public Benefits
No new administrative challenges for low-income residents to access public benefits
Prop F is a dangerous and punitive new requirement for certain public assistance recipients to submit to unnecessary, intrusive, and costly drug testing. The city should not create new administrative hurdles and barriers for low-income San Franciscans to access critical support. This measure would lead to a rise in homelessness for those who lose access to support, and accessing public benefits is already difficult for most community members due to language and other barriers. Instead, the city should implement evidence-based and humane approaches to help those experiencing addiction.
NEUTRAL ON G – Offering Algebra 1 to Eighth Graders
Advisory measure with no policy impact
Prop G is an advisory measure from the city of San Francisco with no meaningful legal impact on San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). All students, especially low-income, minority students, should have access to rigorous educational opportunities, including Algebra 1 in 8th grade. However, SFUSD must implement these course offerings effectively and without instituting academic tracking, a de facto form of segregation within our public education system. Prop G does not substantively address equitable math access for low-income and minority students. The city should support SFUSD in implementing additional math curriculum offerings with guidance from educational experts and evidence-based best practices.
February 19: Register to vote online at registertovote.ca.gov
March 5: Election day (polling places open from 7 am to 8 pm)
Visit SF Department of Elections Voter Portal (https://sfelections.org/tools/portal/index.php) to update language preference for election materials and information regarding vote-by-mail and ballot drop off locations.
SF Department of Elections: for English (415) 554-4375, 中文 (415) 554-4367
发行可负担房屋债券 支持为低收入家庭、长者、打工阶层、家暴和人口贩运幸存者提供住房。
修改及制定警察局的政策和程序 避免警察在街头进行危险的追逐。
额外增加申请公共福利的强制药物筛查 反对额外增加的行政手续,令低收入居民更难获取公共福利。
为八年级学生提供代数1 一门包括二次方程、绘制函数等内容的高中数学课程,通常为九年级学生提供的课程。
2024年2月19日: 登记选举截止日,您可前往 https://registertovote.ca.gov/zh-cn 在线登记
2024年3月5日: 选举日 (投票站开放时间:上午7时-晚间8时)
请访问三藩市选务处选民门户网站l (https://sfelections.org/tools/portal/index_c.php) 来更新选举材料的语言选择,以及有关邮寄投票和投票站地点的信息。
三藩市选务处: (415) 554-4375(英文), (415) 554-4367(中文)