How We Create Change
Chinese for Affirmative Action employs multiple strategies to create change. At the grassroots level, we conduct direct services, leadership development, and civic engagement programs that nurture and harness the ability of community members to participate fully in civic life. At the systemic level, we lead policy advocacy and strategic communications initiatives towards a more just, equitable, and compassionate society. Throughout our work we seek to start, build, and foster networks that nurture, strengthen and sustain progressive movements.

We believe transformative change happens when people and groups committed to social justice are a part of robust and thriving communities of conscience. We strive to engage with a multitude of individuals and organizations in order to weave networks that are more powerful than the sum of their parts.
Some of core networks and partnerships we help lead include:
- Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality
- California API Budget Partnership
- Communities United for Health and Justice
- End National Security Scapegoating
- Good Jobs for All Collaborative
- Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative
- San Francisco Immigrant Legal and Education Network
- The Language Access Network of San Francisco