CAA is pleased to recognize a long time and respected community partner, Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC). Founded in 2007, AROC is a grassroots organization working to empower the Arab community on immigrant and civil rights, and against war, occupation, surveillance, and racial profiling. AROC emerged during the post 9/11 period, trying to help community members who were facing FBI repression. As one of the few Arab-led organizations in the country, they bring voice to Arab and Muslim issues and concerns.

“We organize both in the Arab and Muslim communities, but also for those committed to social justice because we see ourselves as part of a broader movement for liberation and self-determination for all people.”
–Lara Kiswani, Executive Director of AROC
Arab Resource & Organizing Center is pivotal in advancing a community-led transnational movement for social change. AROC organizes and elevates the voices of Arab immigrant families against state violence and repression through powerful campaign victories.
They are also a critical collaborator in advancing immigrant rights and racial justice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through the San Francisco Language Access Network, CAA works jointly with AROC to promote language diversity and access for vital services and information.
We also work very closely with AROC to ensure immigrants receive much needed legal services and resources through the San Francisco Immigration Legal Education Network (SFILEN). In response to heightened Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) activity, we are working with AROC and other SFILEN partners to manage a 24-hour hotline that gives San Francisco residents a way to report ICE raids and protect neighbors.
We applaud AROC’s dedication to empowering Arab and Muslim community members through their leadership development work, political education, and campaigns, while also working in coalition with others to advance human rights and dignity for all. We deeply appreciate their thought leadership and commitment to those most in need.
To pay special tribute to Arab Resource & Organizing Center, please join us in honoring them at our Celebration of Justice on June 8th. You can purchase tickets here, buy an ad and/or become a sponsor in their honor (more info here).
We hope to see you at the dinner!