Drop in to CAA’s office or our outreach location during our monthly community service days to receive immigration and employment assistance! Appointments recommended, but not required. Masks recommended. For employment services, bring your ID and proof of income (e.g. pay stub).
欢迎参与华促会每月举办的社区服务日, 当日会提供面对面的移民法律和就业服务!建议提早预约,未有预约也可参与。建议佩戴口罩。如果需要就业服务,请带上ID和收入证明(例如工资单)。
Dates: 07/17周三, 08/19周一, 09/18周三
Employment Services (就业服务)
Time: 10am to 4pm
Location: CAA office, 17 Walter U Lum Pl, San Francisco, CA
Services provided:
- Resume writing
- Interview preparation
- Applying for jobs
Contact: (415) 598-8508 or EJTeam@caasf.org
时间: 早上10点至下午4点
地点 : 华促会办公室,三藩市林华耀街17号 (近华埠花园角),17 Walter U Lum Pl
- 撰写简历
- 准备面试
- 填写工作申请表格
联络方式:致电留言 (415) 598-8508 或发邮件至 EJTeam@caasf.org
Immigration Legal Services (移民法律服务)
Time: 10am to 2pm
Location: Ground floor at City College of San Francisco in Chinatown, 808 Kearny St
Services provided:
- Naturalization screenings
- General pre-immigration screenings and referral
Contact: (415) 761-3222
时间 : 早上10点至下午2点
地点 : 三藩市市立大学, 华埠分校大堂, 808 Kearny St
- 理解入籍和公民申請过程
- 了解移民权益
- 如需申请入籍协助等服务,需另外预约时间
联络方式:致电留言 (415) 761-3222