San Francisco Continues to Defend Immigrant Parents’ Right to Vote in School Board Elections
San Francisco, CA – Today, the First District Court of Appeal will hear an ongoing lawsuit brought by James Lacy, challenging immigrant voting in San Francisco. This case, currently on appeal in California, has raised important questions about the principles of democracy, inclusivity, and civic participation.
In November 2016, San Francisco voters passed a ballot measure allowing immigrant parents to vote in local school board elections. The right was extended indefinitely in December 2021. James Lacy, a conservative, brought this lawsuit in 2021. The City and County of San Francisco lost at the trial court level and appealed to the First District Appellate Court. While the litigation is ongoing, immigrant parents in San Francisco are permitted to vote in local school board elections. Lacy is part of a concerted effort by right wing organizations to suppress voting rights, especially in communities of color. In 2022, Lacy sued Oakland to remove a similar immigrant voting proposal from the city’s November ballot, and he lost.
At the heart of the matter is the fundamental question of whether parents should have a say in their children’s education. By allowing immigrant parents the right to participate in school board elections, we recognize their stake in the community and the importance of voicing their concerns in their child’s education.
Moreover, extending voting rights to immigrant parents at the local level is a popular concept. Numerous municipalities in California are interested in expanding voting rights to immigrants, including Oakland, Richmond, San Jose, Los Angeles, Pasadena, and Santa Ana. San Francisco is part of a larger movement across cities and states permitting immigrant voting in local elections, including Illinois, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Vermont.
“Allowing immigrant parents to vote in school board elections is not only permissible, but beneficial to our communities,” said City Attorney David Chiu. “Giving all parents a voice in the direction of our schools leads to better outcomes for our students. San Francisco is not unique or alone in allowing noncitizens to participate in local elections. We believe the Court will see that this program is permissible under the California Constitution and is a valid exercise of San Francisco’s authority as a charter city.”
CAA is grateful to San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu for fighting for immigrant parents. CAA worked with his office to submit declarations to the trial court in Lacy v. City and County of San Francisco, and you can read about them here. CAA, along with the Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative, encourages concerned immigrant parents to contact us for further information.
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice. You can learn more about us at
Traditional Chinese
面臨法律訴訟的挑戰 華人權益促進會支持移民家長們的投票權
加州三藩市- 今天,加州第一上訴法院將審理詹姆斯·萊西(James Lacy)提起的一起訴訟,挑戰三藩市移民家長的投票權力。目前這在加州上訴法院審理的案件,涉及到民主、包容性和公民參等原則性的問題。
2016年11月,三藩市選民通過一項公投提案,允許移民父母可在當地聯合學區教育委員選舉中投票。其後,這項權利在2021年12月得到無限期的延長。詹姆斯·萊西(James Lacy)作為一名保守派人士,在2021年提起了這起訴訟。三藩市市政府在一審法院敗訴後上訴至加州第一巡回上訴法院。在訴訟仍在進行中,三藩市的移民父母仍被允許在本市的聯合學區教委會選舉中投票。萊西(James Lacy)是整個右翼保守組織策劃去打壓選舉權利運動的一部分,尤其是針對有色人種社區。在2022年,萊西(James Lacy)亦提出另一訴訟起訴奧克蘭市(Oakland),試圖推翻該市在2022年11月選舉中類似的賦予移民有投票權的提案,但該法律挑戰最終失敗。
此外,在地方層面上,將選舉權擴展給移民父母們是一個受到歡迎的概念。加州不少城市都對將選舉權擴大予移民群體表示有相當的興趣,其中包括奧克蘭市(Oakland)、列治文市(Richmond)、聖何塞(San Jose)、洛杉磯(Los Angeles)、帕薩迪納(Pasadena)和聖塔安娜(Santa Ana)。三藩市是眾多美國城市及州份發起給予移民們在地方政府層面上有投票權的一部分,這些城市和州份允許移民在地方選舉中投票,包括伊利諾伊州(Illinois)、紐約州(New York)、馬里蘭州(Maryland)、馬薩諸塞州(Massachusetts)及佛蒙特州(Vermont)。
華促會對三藩市市府律師邱信福為移民家長們爭取權益表達由衷的感謝。華促會與他的辦公室合作,在Lacy v. City and County of San Francisco 的案件中向一審法院提交了聲明,您可以在這裡閱讀相關內容。華促會與三藩市移民家長投票協作組織(Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative)一起,鼓勵關注的移民家長們聯繫我們以獲取進一步的資訊。
Simplified Chinese
即时发布: 2023年7月26日
凌倩恩 资讯主任 (英语及广东话)
面临法律诉讼的挑战 华人权益促进会支持移民家长们的投票权
加州三藩市- 今天,加州第一上诉法院将审理詹姆斯·莱西(James Lacy)提起的一起诉讼,挑战三藩市移民家长的投票权力。目前这在加州上诉法院审理的案件,涉及到民主、包容性和公民参等原则性的问题。
2016年11月,三藩市选民通过一项公投提案,允许移民父母可在当地联合学区教育委员选举中投票。其后,这项权利在2021年12月得到无限期的延长。詹姆斯·莱西(James Lacy)作为一名保守派人士,在2021年提起了这起诉讼。三藩市市政府在一审法院败诉后上诉至加州第一巡回上诉法院。在诉讼仍在进行中,三藩市的移民父母仍被允许在本市的联合学区教委会选举中投票。莱西(James Lacy)是整个右翼保守组织策划去打压选举权利运动的一部分,尤其是针对有色人种社区。在2022年,莱西(James Lacy)亦提出另一诉讼起诉奥克兰市(Oakland),试图推翻该市在2022年11月选举中类似的赋予移民有投票权的提案,但该法律挑战最终失败。
此外,在地方层面上,将选举权扩展给移民父母们是一个受到欢迎的概念。加州不少城市都对将选举权扩大予移民群体表示有相当的兴趣,其中包括奥克兰市(Oakland)、列治文市(Richmond)、圣何塞(San Jose)、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)、帕萨迪纳(Pasadena)和圣塔安娜(Santa Ana)。三藩市是众多美国城市及州份发起赋予移民们在地方政府层面上有投票权的一部分,这些城市和州份允许移民在地方选举中投票,包括伊利诺伊州(Illinois)、纽约州(New York)、马里兰州(Maryland)、马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)及佛蒙特州(Vermont)。
华促会对三藩市市府律师邱信福为移民家长们争取权益表达由衷的感谢。华促会与他的办公室合作,在Lacy v. City and County of San Francisco的案件中向一审法院提交了声明,您可以在这里阅读相关内容。华促会与三藩市移民家长投票协作组织(Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative)一起,鼓励关注的移民家长们联系我们以获取进一步的资讯。