San Francisco, CA — Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) expresses frustration and disagreement with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn race-conscious admissions in both the Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard and SFFA v. University of North Carolina affirmative action cases. The Court’s decision is a major setback for the ability of colleges and universities  to create true equality in education,  However, it is important to recognize that the ruling is strictly limited to race-conscious admissions, and not other important measures such as targeted outreach and recruitment, or ensuring more diverse faculty and college leadership. 

It is critical for the public and the Asian American community to know that this lawsuit was brought by anti-civil rights litigator Edward Blum, with the clear objective of dismantling decades of progress for students of color.  Because of the right-wing composition of the Court, Blum has now been able to hinder educational access for students of color. We note that Blum was also behind the 2013 lawsuit that gutted a key section of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. CAA wants to make it clear that Ed Blum does not speak for the Asian American community. 

For more than fifty years, CAA has used affirmative action as a critical policy tool in advancing fairness and equality for Chinese Americans in education and other areas. This work includes the  pivotal Lau v. Nicholas case, which secured the rights  of Chinese-speaking students in public schools in 1974, and exposing and rectifying discrimination against Asian American students at the University of California in the 1980s.  Historically and in current times, Asian Americans benefit from and consistently support affirmative action policies. 

With this decision, CAA calls on all colleges and universities to actively support efforts to ensure racial justice in all aspects of student and campus life.  This includes measures such as eliminating the use of  racially-biased SAT and ACT scores in undergraduate admissions, eliminating legacy admissions that exclude students of color, providing financial support to low-income students, and strengthening targeted recruitment efforts to underrepresented student populations. A comprehensive list of recommendations can be found here



Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) is a community-based civil rights organization in San Francisco. Our mission is to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial injustice. 


凌倩恩,资讯主任,; 415-314-1706  (英语和广东话) 或 


旧金山,加州—华人权益促进会(CAA) 对最高法院在“学生争取公平录取”(SFFA)诉哈佛大学和北卡罗来纳大学的案件中推翻在大学录取中对种族的考量判决表示沮丧和反对。高院的判决重创了高等院校创造真正的教育公平的能力。然而,重要的是要认识到,该判决严格被限于在大学录取中对种族的考量,而没有限制有针对性的外展和招聘等其他的重要举措,或确保(学校有)更多样化背景的教职员工和学校领导层。

公众和亚裔社区必须知道,这起诉讼是由反民权诉讼律师爱德华·布鲁姆(Edward Blum)发起,其目的很明确,就是要瓦解几十年来为有色人种学生取得的进步。 由于最高法院的右倾,布鲁姆现在已经阻碍了有色人种学生获得教育的机会。我们发现,布鲁姆也是2013年诉讼案的幕后推手,该诉讼案取消了1965年《投票权法案》(Voting Rights Act)中的一个关键部分。华促会希望明确指出,爱德华·布鲁姆并不代表亚裔社区。

五十多年来,华促会将平权行法案作为一个重要的政策工具,推动华人在教育和其他领域获得的公平和平等。这项工作包括1974年关键的刘诉尼古拉斯一案(Lau v. Nichols),该案确保了中文为母语的学生在公立学校接受母语教育的权利,并在1980年代揭露和纠正了加州大学对亚裔学生的歧视。 无论是在过去还是现在,亚裔都从平权法案的政策中受益,并一直支持平权法案的相关政策





淩倩恩,資訊主任,; 415-314-1706  (英語和廣東話) 或 


舊金山,加州—華人權益促進會(CAA) 對最高法院在「學生爭取公平錄取」(SFFA)訴哈佛大學和北卡羅來納大學的案件中推翻在大學錄取中對種族的考量判決表示沮喪和反對。高院的判決重創了高等院校創造真正的教育公平的能力。然而,重要的是要認識到,該判決嚴格被限於在大學錄取中對種族的考量,而沒有限製有針對性的外展和招聘等其他的重要舉措,或確保(學校有)更多樣化背景的教職員工和學校領導層。

公眾和亞裔社區必須知道,這起訴訟是由反民權訴訟律師愛德華·布魯姆(Edward Blum)發起,其目的很明確,就是要瓦解幾十年來為有色人種學生取得的進步。 由於最高法院的右傾,布魯姆現在已經阻礙了有色人種學生獲得教育的機會。我們發現,布魯姆也是2013年訴訟案的幕後推手,該訴訟案取消了1965年《投票權法案》(Voting Rights Act)中的一個關鍵部分。華促會希望明確指出,愛德華·布魯姆並不代表亞裔社區。

五十多年來,華促會將平權行法案作為一個重要的政策工具,推動華人在教育和其他領域獲得的公平和平等。這項工作包括1974年關鍵的劉訴尼古拉斯一案(Lau v. Nichols),該案確保了中文為母語的學生在公立學校接受母語教育的權利,並在1980年代揭露和糾正了加州大學對亞裔學生的歧視。 無論是在過去還是現在,亞裔都從平權法案的政策中受益,並一直支持平權法案的相關政策



