Birthright Citizenship Resolution Heads to the Full Board of Supervisors for a Vote
San Francisco, CA – In a firm stand against attacks on birthright citizenship, the Government Audit and Oversight Committee, a subcommittee of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted in support of a resolution reaffirming protections under the 14th Amendment. It will head to a full vote before the Board of Supervisors in the next few weeks.
On his first day in office, Trump issued an executive order terminating birthright citizenship, which attempts to strip citizenship rights from certain children born in the United States. This was part of a flurry of executive orders attempting to expand presidential powers and undermine immigrant rights. However, a presidential executive order alone cannot set aside birthright citizenship. Not even Congress has the power to change birthright protections. Only a constitutional amendment can end birthright citizenship.
The vote to support birthright citizenship comes as national conversations continue regarding the importance of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees citizenship to everyone born in the United States, regardless of their parents’ immigration status. The principle of birthright citizenship was affirmed 127 years ago in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, in which the Supreme Court determined that San Francisco-born Chinese American Wong Kim Ark and all U.S.-born children of immigrants are guaranteed citizenship under the Constitution.
The resolution follows San Francisco’s decision to join other cities, states, and immigrant rights advocates challenging the Trump administration’s executive order in court. “We have long fought for the rights of immigrants to live with dignity and respect and be full members of our community. That’s why we joined with partners to immediately file a lawsuit to stop President Trump’s illegal attempt to limit birthright citizenship and override the 14th Amendment, the Supreme Court, and Congress” said Winnie Kao, senior counsel at Asian Law Caucus. “The federal court judge in our case, like the other courts who have examined the issue so far, issued a preliminary injunction to block the executive order from taking effect while the case proceeds. No politician, including President Trump, can decide who is American and who is not.“
“Birthright citizenship is a hard-fought well-earned constitutional right impacting generations of immigrants. In the name of Wong Kim Ark, we are committed to protecting this right, which was affirmed more than 125 years ago and should remain the law of the land,” said San Francisco Board of Supervisor Connie Chan. Supervisor Chan introduced the resolution in support of birthright citizenship.
“I came to the United States eight years ago for school, and after graduating, I began working at CAA to support our community. Like many immigrants, I chose to stay and build a home in San Francisco in pursuit of a better life. I want to believe that I am welcomed in America. Eliminating birthright citizenship would add yet another burden on immigrants like me, forcing us to worry not only about our own complex immigration status but also about the future of our children. All the educational and social opportunities that come with being born in the United States should be provided to the next generation,” said Chinese for Affirmative Action’s Shuangyan Li.
Lara Kiswani, executive director of Arab Resource and Organizing Center said, “At a time when Arab and Muslim immigrant communities, along with other racialized communities, face rising discrimination, criminalization, and uncertainty, reaffirming this commitment to birthright citizenship is not just a legal necessity — it is a moral imperative. Protecting birthright citizenship strengthens our city’s values of inclusion, and equity for all.”
Gabriel Medina, executive director of La Raza Community Resource Center said, “Our elders raised us mindful of Operation Wetback, the militaristic rounding-up and deportation of anyone brown and Spanish-speaking. Neither farm labor programs nor naturalization offered protection while birthright citizenship is the biggest hope for inclusion, equality, and belonging for immigrant parents. More fundamentally it has been the strongest protection their children could attain from a repeat of this horror. We see today how naturalized Latino children are taught to memorize their Social Security numbers before they can even read.”
Lariza V. Dugan Cuadra, executive director of CARECEN SF said, “CARECEN SF stands proudly, and in unity with local allies to defend birthright citizenship! We affirm the legacy of San Francisco’s Chinese American community to the nation through the 1898 United States v. Wong Kim Ark case that established birthright citizenship. Sadly, more than 100 years and many generations later, this right is under threat. But we stand united in San Francisco and we are prepared to continue the work of those who came before us across all communities, languages, faiths, neighborhoods, and beyond in this special city and nation we call home.”
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice. You can learn more about us at
2025 年 2 月 20 日
联系人:华促会资讯主任 Sin Yen Ling,
加利福尼亚州旧金山——为坚决反对对出生公民权的攻击,旧金山市参事会属下的政府审 计和监督委员会投票支持一项重申第十四修正案保护的决议。该决议将在未来几周提交市参事 委员会全体投票。
特朗普上任第一天就发布了一项终止出生公民权的行政命令,试图剥夺某些在美国出生的孩子的 公民权。这是一系列试图扩大总统权力和破坏移民权利的行政命令的一部分。然而,仅凭总统的 行政命令是无法废除出生公民权的。即使是国会也没有权力改变出生公民权保护。只有宪法修正 案才能终止出生公民权。
在全国继续讨论第十四修正案的重要性之际,请投票支持出生公民权,该修正案保证所有在美国 出生的人都拥有公民身份,无论其父母的移民身份如何。127年前的美国诉黄金德案确认了出生 公民权原则,最高法院在该案中裁定,出生于旧金山的华裔美国人黄金德和所有在美国出生的移 民子女都享有宪法规定的公民身份。
这项决议是在旧金山决定与其他城市、州和移民权利倡导者一起在法庭上挑战特朗普政府的行政 命令之后做出的。“我们长期以来一直在为移民有尊严和受人尊重地生活以及成为我们社区正式 成员的权利而奋斗。这就是为什么我们与合作伙伴一起立即提起诉讼,以阻止特朗普总统非法限 制出生公民权并推翻第十四修正案、最高法院和国会的决定。” 亚洲法律联盟高级律师Winnie Kao表示: “这案件的联邦法院法官与迄今为止审查过该问题的其他法院一样,发布了初步禁令, 以阻止行政命令在案件审理期间生效。包括特朗普总统在内的任何政治家都无法决定谁是美国人 ,谁不是美国人。”
旧金山市参事会委员陈诗敏(Connie Chan)表示, “出生公民权是一项艰辛、来之不易的宪法权利,影响了一代又一代的移民。以黄金德的名义,我们致力于保护这项权利,这项权利在125多年前就已 到确认,应该继续成为国家的法律”。陈诗敏参事提出了支持出生公民权的决议。 ”
“我八年前来到美国上学,毕业后,我开始在华人权益促进会工作,为我们的社区提供支持。像许 多移民一样,我选择留在旧金山,建立自己的家,以追求更好的生活。我想相信我在美国受到欢迎。取消出生公民权会给我这样的移民增加另一重负担,迫使我们不仅要担心自己复杂的移民身 份,还要担心孩子的未来。出生在美国所带来的所有教育和社会机会都应该提供给下一代。” 华人权益促进会的李双晏说。
阿拉伯资源和组织中心(AROC)行政总监Lara Kiswani表示:“在阿拉伯和穆斯林移民社区以及其他种族社区面临日益严重的歧视、犯罪和不确定性的时候,重申对出生公民权的承诺不仅是法律上的必要,更是道德上的要求。保护出生公民权加强了我们城市的包容性和人人平等的价值观。”
La Raza社区资源中心行政总监Gabriel Medina表示:“我们的长辈在成长过程中,就让我们牢记‘湿背行动’(Operation Wetback),即军事化围捕和驱逐所有棕色人种和讲西班牙语的人。农场劳工计划和入籍都无法提供保护,而出生公民权是移民父母获得包容、平等和归属感的最大希望。更根本的是,这是他们的孩子能够获得的最强有力的保护,使他们免于受到重蹈覆辙的恐惧。 今天,我们看到入了籍的拉丁裔儿童在未学会阅读之前,就被教导要记住他们的社会安全号码。”
中美洲资源中心(CARECEN SF)行政总监Lariza V. Dugan Cuadra表示:“CARECEN SF自豪地站起来,与当地盟友团结一致,捍卫出生公民权!我们通过1898年美国诉黄金德案确立了出生公民权,重申了旧金山华裔美国人社区对国家的深远影响。可悲的是,一百多年过去了,几代人过去了,这项权利正受到威胁。但我们团结在旧金山,我们准备继续那些前人的工作,跨越所有社区、语言、信仰、 邻里,在这个我们称之为家园的特别的城市和国家继续我们的工作。”