Will Be Split Amongst Chinatown, Bayview, and Tenderloin Neighborhoods
San Francisco, CA: In a significant step toward bridging the digital divide, Chinatown will receive a portion of the $10 million allocated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to help expand access to vital broadband services for underserved communities in San Francisco. The $10 million investment will provide essential infrastructure to connect residents in Chinatown, Bayview and Tenderloin neighborhoods as part of a $32 million package to expand internet access to Fremont, Oakland, and San Francisco.
“Our research shows that Chinatown, Tenderloin, Bayview and Hunters Point are left in the dark compared to other neighborhoods when it comes to cable internet availability and that fiber is virtually nonexistent. As a result, these communities lack options and we know that when consumers lack choice, prices are higher,” says Annie Lee, Chinese for Affirmative Action, Managing Director of Policy. Early this year, CAA released a report, “San Francisco’s Digital Deserts: How San Francisco Chinatown and other neighborhoods are left behind in the digital divide,” which examined the lack of affordable and reliable broadband internet access in Chinatown.
“Our Chinatown Single-Room Occupancy (SRO) free wifi pilot program delivering broadband to low-income families and seniors is evidence that digital equity is an achievable feat if we bring residents, community advocates, property owners, and city departments to the table and invest in solutions that we work on together,” said Aaron Peskin, President of the Board of Supervisors who also represents the district including Chinatown. “My office seeded $200,000 for a pilot program as an extension of the City Fiber to Housing Initiative to experiment with the idea that delivering free internet services to residents living in one of the densest and oldest neighborhoods is possible. I am grateful that the CPUC will continue to support the City’s Fiber to Housing Initiative, which will make expansion of our pilot program into other neighborhoods a reality. With this new investment, I look forward to ensuring that we continue to explore innovative ideas to ensure all neighborhoods have access to fast, reliable, and affordable internet services that residents deserve.”
“The $10 million will help expand the original pilot program that allowed six Chinatown SRO buildings to hardwire their buildings and provide residents with free and stable internet to lower the digital connection barrier in Chinatown SROs. The current funding amount will allow more low-income residents in Chinatown, Tenderloin, and Bayview to have stable hardwire connection to increase digital connectivity,” states Jennifer Chan, Director of Programs – Youth Leadership Development & Empowerment, Chinatown Community Development Center.
“High-speed internet is increasingly a necessity for accessing medical care, communicating with friends and family, applying for jobs, attending work meetings, doing homework assignments, and a broad range of other basic life activities,” said Supervisor Dean Preston, who represents the district that includes the Tenderloin neighborhood. “Access to high-speed internet is especially important for our most vulnerable communities, and this $10M grant from the CPUC will go a long way in expanding internet access to unserved homes, small businesses and affordable housing sites in the Tenderloin, Chinatown, and the Bayview.”
“Our southeast neighborhoods, along with Chinatown and Tenderloin, will benefit from a significant portion of the $10 million allocated by the CPUC to expand access to essential broadband services,” said Supervisor Shamann Walton who represents the district that includes Bayview. “For far too long, our communities have suffered from digital redlining, where low-income neighborhoods, especially communities of color, have been left behind in receiving the infrastructure necessary for high-speed internet. This funding is a critical step toward addressing these inequities and ensuring that Bayview has the digital tools needed to thrive in today’s world.”
This investment will benefit approximately 37,789 residents and serve 434 unserved locations in the San Francisco neighborhoods of Bayview, Chinatown, and Tenderloin. With respect to Chinatown, the major goal of the grant is to provide broadband access to all the SROs in the neighborhood. The last-mile fiber will provide up to one gigabit per second symmetrical service to consumers. San Francisco has committed to maintaining its prices for at least 10 years and will provide a low-cost plan. With the new broadband expansion, San Francisco residents will have improved access to critical services like online education platforms, telehealth, and job search resources.
Read CAA’s Report: San Francisco’s Digital Deserts
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice. You can learn more about us at caasf.org.
聯絡人: 淩倩恩,華人權益促進會資訊總監, syling@caasf.org
加州舊金山:為了向彌合數字鴻溝的方向邁出重要一步,唐人街(Chinatown)將獲得部分由加州公共設施委員會 (CPUC) 分配給舊金山的一千萬美元撥款,撥款旨在擴大重要寬帶綱絡的覆蓋範圍。作為投資總額為三千兩百萬美元,為弗里蒙特(Fremont)、奧克蘭(Oakland)和舊金山擴大互聯網復蓋計劃的一部分,這筆一千萬美元的撥款將為連接唐人街、灣景區(Bayview)和田德隆區(Tenderloin) 的居民提供必要的基礎設施。
「我們的研究表明,相較其他社區而言,唐人街、田德隆區、灣景區和獵人角(Hunters Point)社區在互聯網可用性方面一直被蒙在鼓裡,光纜幾乎不存在。因此,這些社區沒有選擇,而我們知道,當消費者缺乏選擇時,服務的價格就會上漲,」華人權益促進會(CAA)的政策管理主任李申申(Annie Lee)說:「今年年初,華促會發布了一份題為《舊金山的電子數碼沙漠:舊金山唐人街和其他社區如何在使用電腦及網路的機會方面落後於其他地區》的報告,」報告審視了唐人街缺乏可負擔和可靠的網絡問題。
「唐人街散房的免費Wifi試點項目為低收入家庭和老年人提供了寬帶網絡,項目證明,如果我們將居民、社區倡導者、業主和市政府部門召集到一起,投資於我們共同努力的解決方案,實現數字公平指日可待,」代表唐人街地區的參事,參事會主席佩斯金(Aaron Peskin) 說:「我的辦公室為試點項目提供了20萬美元的啟動資金,以探索向居住在人口最稠密、歷史最悠久的社區之一的居民提供免費互聯網服務的可能性。我非常感謝加州公共設施委員會繼續支持本市的「將光纖引入住房計劃(Fiber to Housing Initiative)」,這將使我們的試點計劃擴展到其他社區成為現實。有了這筆新投資,我們期待能夠繼續探索創新理念,以確保所有的居民都能獲得快速、可靠和經濟實惠的互聯網服務。」
「這一千萬美元的投資將有助於擴大最初的試點計劃,以前的計劃已經允許六棟位於唐人街的散房接入寬帶,為居民提供免費、穩定的互聯網,從而消除了這些住房的網絡連接障礙。」華協中心(CCDC)青年組的專案總監陳詩欣(Jennifer Chan)表示:「目前的資金將使唐人街、田德隆區和灣景區更多低收入居民擁有穩定的網絡,從而提高數字化連接能力。」
「高速互聯網正在成為獲取醫療保健、與朋友和家人溝通、申請職位、參加工作會議、完成家庭作業以及其他一系列基本生活事項的必需品,」代表包括田德隆區的參事潘正義(Dean Preston)表示:「對於我們最弱勢的群體來說,能夠使用高速互聯網尤為重要,加州公共設施委員會提供供的這筆一千萬美元的撥款將極大幫助將互聯網接入擴展到田德隆區、唐人街和灣景區未獲得服務的家庭、小型企業和經濟適用房內。」
「舊金山的東南角(灣景區)以及唐人街和田德隆將從加州公共設施委員會為擴大寬帶網絡而投資的一千萬美元中受益匪淺,」 代表灣景區的參事華頌善(Shamann Walton)說:「長期以來,我們的社區飽受數字紅線隔離(digital redlining)之苦,低收入社區,尤其是有色人種社區,一直無法獲得高速互聯網所需的基礎設施建設。這筆資金是解決這些不公平現象、確保灣景區擁有在當今世界蓬勃發展所需的數碼工具的關鍵一步。」
這項投資將惠及舊金山的唐人街、田德隆區和灣景區社區共計約37,789名居民,並為 434 個投資不足的地點提供服務。在唐人街,投資的主要目標是為當地的散房提供寬帶網絡。「最後一哩」光纖將為消費者提供高達每秒千兆比特數據量的服務。舊金山承諾在至少10年內維持該寬帶的價格,並將提供低價計劃。隨着新寬帶的擴展,舊金山居民將能更好地獲得在線教育平台、遠程醫療和求職資源等關鍵服務。
联络人: 淩倩恩,华人权益促进会资讯总监, syling@caasf.org
加州旧金山:为了向弥合数字鸿沟的方向迈出重要一步,唐人街(Chinatown)将获得部分由加州公共设施委员会 (CPUC) 分配给旧金山的一千万美元拨款,拨款旨在扩大重要宽带纲络的覆盖范围。作为投资总额为三千两百万美元,为弗里蒙特(Fremont)、奥克兰(Oakland)和旧金山扩大互联网复盖计划的一部分,这笔一千万美元的拨款将为连接唐人街、湾景区(Bayview)和田德隆区(Tenderloin) 的居民提供必要的基础设施。
“我们的研究表明,相较其他社区于而言,唐人街、田德隆区、湾景区和猎人角(Hunters Point)社区在互联网可用性方面一直被蒙在鼓里,光缆几乎不存在。因此,这些社区没有选择,而我们知道,当消费者缺乏选择时,服务的价格就会上涨,”华人权益促进会(CAA)的政策管理主任李申申(Annie Lee)说:“今年年初,华促会发布了一份题为《旧金山的电子数码沙漠:旧金山唐人街和其他社区如何在使用电脑及网路的机会方面落后于其他地区》的报告,”报告审视了唐人街缺乏可负担和可靠的网络问题。
“唐人街散房的免费Wifi试点项目为低收入家庭和老年人提供了宽带网络,项目证明,如果我们将居民、社区倡导者、业主和市政府部门召集到一起,投资于我们共同努力的解决方案,实现数字公平指日可待,”代表唐人街地区的参事,参事会主席佩斯金(Aaron Peskin) 说:“我的办公室为试点项目提供了20万美元的启动资金,以探索向居住在人口最稠密、历史最悠久的社区之一的居民提供免费互联网服务的可能性。我非常感谢加州公共设施委员会继续支持本市的 ‘将光纤引入住房计划(Fiber to Housing Initiative)’,这将使我们的试点计划扩展到其他社区成为现实。有了这笔新投资,我们期待能够继续探索创新理念,以确保所有的居民都能获得快速、可靠和经济实惠的互联网服务。”
“这一千万美元的投资将有助于扩大最初的试点计划,以前的计划已经允许六栋位于唐人街的散房接入宽带,为居民提供免费、稳定的互联网,从而消除了这些住房的网络连接障碍。”华协中心(CCDC)青年组的专案总监陈诗欣(Jennifer Chan)表示:“目前的资金将使唐人街、田德隆区和湾景区更多低收入居民拥有稳定的网络,从而提高数字化连接能力。”
“高速互联网正在成为获取医疗保健、与朋友和家人沟通、申请职位、参加工作会议、完成家庭作业以及其他一系列基本生活事项的必需品,”代表包括田德隆区的参事潘正义(Dean Preston)表示:“对于我们最弱势的群体来说,能够使用高速互联网尤为重要,加州公共设施委员会提供供的这笔一千万美元的拨款将极大帮助将互联网接入扩展到田德隆区、唐人街和湾景区未获得服务的家庭、小型企业和经济适用房内。”
“旧金山的东南角(湾景区)以及唐人街和田德隆将从加州公共设施委员会为扩大宽带网络而投资的一千万美元中受益匪浅,” 代表湾景区的参事华颂善(Shamann Walton)说:“长期以来,我们的社区饱受数字红线隔离(digital redlining)之苦,低收入社区,尤其是有色人种社区,一直无法获得高速互联网所需的基础设施建设。这笔资金是解决这些不公平现象、确保湾景区拥有在当今世界蓬勃发展所需的数码工具的关键一步。”
这项投资将惠及旧金山的唐人街、田德隆区和湾景区社区共计约37,789名居民,并为 434 个投资不足的地点提供服务。在唐人街,投资的主要目标是为当地的散房提供宽带网络。“最后一哩”光纤将为消费者提供高达每秒千兆比特数据量的服务。旧金山承诺在至少10年内维持该宽带的价格,并将提供低价计划。随着新宽带的扩展,旧金山居民将能更好地获得在线教育平台、远程医疗和求职资源等关键服务。