CAA’s budget advocacy efforts culminated in a victory today– San Francisco Board of Supervisors (unanimously) adopted the City’s budget that includes full restoration of funding for the Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative (IPVC) to continue its essential community outreach and education work to protect non-citizen voters.
The victory can be attributed to the support from CAA staff and community, along with the mobilization of IPVC partners during our budget advocacy campaign. Your participation to secure this funding is an essential part of a robust implementation of non-citizen voting in the era of Trump, and will allow us to continue to support immigrant civic engagement and strengthen immigrant rights.

Comprised of 7 local community-based organizations, the IPVC has been an integral part of implementing non-citizen voting despite the threats posed by the Trump Administration. In addition to disseminating important know-your-rights information to more than 60,000 San Franciscans last year, the Collaborative also fostered leadership by directly impacted immigrant parents, and built strategic partnerships with city agencies such as the Department of Elections and the San Francisco Unified School District.

Chinese for Affirmative Action led the budget advocacy efforts with our Outreach Specialists who are community parent leaders. They have conducted phone banks, legislative visits, provided public comment during a budget hearing to highlight the importance of parent voice and exercise their civic power. We look forward to continuing our work with limited-English proficient Chinese community leaders to elevate their voices in the civic fabric of San Francisco.