A screenshot from the Stop AAPI Hate California state policy agenda.

At CAA, we believe that everyone should have the right to feel safe in the communities they call home. But the fact is, for women and vulnerable groups, including the Chinese immigrant communities we serve, the simple act of running errands or walking home from work puts them in danger of verbal harassment or worse. 

Since 2019, we have stepped up our community safety program, establishing local initiatives, like the Coalition for Community Safety and Justice, as well as national ones, like Stop AAPI Hate, to address the rise of hate, violence, and xenophobia that continues to bring harm to our communities. 

Today, we are excited to share the latest Stop AAPI Hate state policy agenda, which addresses rising incidents of hate, violence, and xenophobia within and across our communities. 

With help from Stop AAPI Hate coalition partners AAPI Equity Alliance and San Francisco State University’s Asian American Studies Department, CAA drew from thousands of data points and experiences to develop three broad recommendations that work together to reduce hate and harassment in streets and sidewalks, at large chain stores, and on public transportation. 

Statistic 1: OVER 75 PERCENT OF HATE INCIDENTS REPORTED TO STOP AAPI HATE TAKE PLACE IN SPACES ACCESSIBLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Image: A pie chart that shows Stop AAPI Hate incidents that have occurred in businesses, public places including streets and sidewalks, and other locations. Statistic 2: OVER 60 PERCENT OF INCIDENTS WERE REPORTED BY WOMEN OR GIRLS. Image: Ten illustrated figures, six of which are highlighted to showcase this statistic.

With the California State Assembly and Senate now in session, CAA and our Stop AAPI Hate coalition partners are turning these recommendations into three separate bills, which if passed will hold big business and government stakeholders accountable for creating safe and more accessible spaces for everyone. 

We will share more information as the legislative session moves forward. To help us pass all three policy priorities, please click here to sign up for regular updates from Stop AAPI Hate.