The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to make a decision on affirmative action in college admissions later this month, and with a conservative supermajority, things may seem bleak.

But even though affirmative action has been under attack by anti-civil rights extremists for years, we have stood up for our right to be seen as we are. And we won’t back down. 

One thing you can do to help is to sign our open letter to colleges and universities around the country to make a commitment to racial equity. Regardless of what happens at the Supreme Court, there is so much more that can be done to ensure that students from marginalized communities have equitable educational opportunities. This includes discontinuing racially-biased standardized testing, eliminating financial barriers, ending legacy admissions, expanding ethnic studies, as well as retaining affirmative action where permissible.  

Education should allow students to follow their dreams, celebrate their identities, and reach their full potential. Sign the petition to call on our college and universities to affirm this promise.