Nearly Half [46%] of Disinformation About Guns Circulates on WeChat
San Francisco: Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) releases a report today, “The Lies That Put Our Lives At Risk: The Alarming Spread of Gun Violence Disinformation in the Chinese-Speaking Community,” examining the spread of gun violence disinformation over a 23-month period.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of anti-Asian violence, gun ownership has increased among Asian Americans, a group that has had historically low levels of gun ownership. Factors influencing gun ownership among Asian Americans include beliefs about self defense and cultural attitudes towards guns as well as individual experiences with violence and discrimination, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through our Chinese Digital Engagement program, which includes PiYaoBa, our Chinese-language fact-checking site, CAA documented 104 major pieces of pro-gun disinformation circulating on Chinese-language platforms. Together, they’ve amassed over 2 million views. Our analysis found that nearly half, or 46%, of all misinformation and disinformation about guns circulates on WeChat. Currently, WeChat has four million users in the United States.
Key Disinformation Narratives About Guns on Chinese-Language Social Media:
- Narrative 1: Banning guns is a step towards authoritarianism while gun ownership represents “democracy.”
- Narrative 2: Police in the U.S. are not obligated to protect people, thus owning guns is necessary for self-defense, especially in these times of rising anti-Asian hate.
- Narrative 3: The shooters in mass shootings are Black, people of color, or transgender, and are affiliated with Democrats.
- Narrative 4: The gun control policies of Democrats has led to increased crime and shootings.
- Narrative 5: Good guys with guns will stop bad guys from committing crimes.

“Online disinformation in Chinese-language digital spaces presents a significant challenge for our community. We have found that while some of the gun violence disinformation mirrors those found in English-language media, others are specific to Chinese language-disinformation with a right-wing bent. Some of these messages by members of the Chinese diaspora exploit historical and cultural trauma of Chinese immigrants,” says Jinxia Niu, Program Manager, Chinese Digital Engagement.
“In the last few years, our community has experienced several high profile mass shootings where both the shooter and victims of the shooting were Asian Americans. It is imperative that the gun violence prevention movement invest in efforts to combat disinformation and misinformation within the Asian American and immigrant communities,” says Andy Wong, Managing Director of Advocacy.
Download the report here. Listen to Kennis Chen on SingTao Chinese Radio 7.17.24:
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice. You can learn more about us at
Chinese Translation
联系方式:华促会资讯主任,凌倩恩, (英语暨粤语)
旧金山:华人权益促进会(Chinese for Affirmative Action, CAA)今天发布报告《危及我们生命的谎言:枪支暴力虚假信息在华语社区的惊人传播》,该报告历时23个月,对枪支暴力虚假信息的传播情况进行了调查。
叙事 1:禁枪是走向威权主义的一步,而拥有枪支则代表“民主”。
叙事 2:美国警察没有义务保护人民,因此拥有枪支是自卫的必要手段,尤其是在反亚裔仇恨高涨的时代。
叙事 3:大规模枪击案的枪手都是黑人、有色人种或跨性别人,并且与民主党有关联。
叙事 4:民主党的枪支管制政策导致犯罪和枪击事件增加。
叙事 5:持枪的好人会阻止坏人犯罪。
华促会中文数字互动项目经理牛金霞(Jinxia Niu)说:“中文数字空间中的网络虚假信息对我们的社区构成了重大挑战。我们发现,虽然有些中文枪支暴力虚假信息是在转述英语媒体上的信息,但也有些是专门针对中文读者、带有右翼倾向的虚假信息,其中一些信息利用了中国移民的历史和文化创伤。”
华促会倡导管理主任汪树基(Andy Wong)表示:“在过去几年里,我们的社区经历了几起备受瞩目的大规模枪击事件,事件中的凶手和受害者都是亚裔美国人。枪支暴力预防运动必须加大力度,努力打击亚裔美国人和移民社区的虚假信息和错误信息。”
Traditional Chinese
聯絡方式:華促會資訊主任,凌倩恩, (英語暨粵語)
三藩:華人權益促進會(Chinese for Affirmative Action, CAA)今天發布報告《危及我們生命的謊言:槍支暴力虛假信息在華語社區的驚人傳播》,該報告歷時23個月,對槍支暴力虛假信息的傳播情況進行了調查。
敘事 1:禁槍是邁向威權主義的一步,而擁有槍枝則代表「民主」。
敘事 2:美國警察沒有義務保護人民,因此擁有槍枝是自衛的必要手段,尤其是在反亞裔仇恨高漲的時代。
敘事 3:大規模槍擊案的槍手都是黑人、有色人種或跨性別人,並且與民主黨有關。
敘事 4:民主黨的槍枝管制政策導致犯罪和槍擊事件增加。
敘事 5:持槍的好人會阻止壞人犯罪。
華促會中文數位互動專案經理牛金霞(Jinxia Niu)說:「中文數位空間中的網路假訊息對我們的社群構成了重大挑戰。我們發現,雖然有些中文槍枝暴力假訊息是在轉述英語媒體上的信息,但也有些是專門針對中文讀者、帶有右翼傾向的虛假信息,其中一些信息利用了中國移民的歷史和文化創傷。
華促會倡議管理主任汪樹基(Andy Wong)表示:「在過去幾年裡,我們的社區經歷了幾起備受矚目的大規模槍擊事件,事件中的兇手和受害者都是亞裔美國人。槍支暴力預防運動必須加大力度,努力打擊亞裔美國人和移民社區的虛假信息和錯誤信息。」