Eugene Lau, Communications Manager; 415-274-6750 x319 (English, Mandarin, Cantonese)
July 11, 2019

CAA Urges Immigrant Communities to Respond to ICE Operations with Unity and Preparedness

SAN FRANCISCO — Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) condemns the Trump administration’s plan to deport and detain immigrant communities, locally in the Bay Area and nationwide, and advises community members to access legal and supportive services available through CAA and its partner organizations.

While Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) enforcement activity has not been confirmed in San Francisco, the Northern California Rapid Response Network confirmed ICE operations in Northern California that directly violate California laws that guarantee access to counsel for those who are detained. Community members were arrested and detained based on racial profiling and evasion of due process. Immigrants are sent to remote detention facilities away from their loved ones, stoking fear in the immigrant community.

CAA’s Immigrant Rights Program Manager, Amy Lin, states, “We know ICE has an extended history of deception with civil and human rights violations. Especially under the Trump administration, we are witnessing increased denial of due process and language access in courts, as well as ongoing abuse at the U.S.-Mexico border.”

San Francisco’s sanctuary protections prohibit San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) or any other local agencies from cooperating with ICE agents solely for immigration enforcement purposes.

As a member of the San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (SFILEN) and San Francisco Rapid Response Network, CAA encourages community members in need of free immigration legal services and resources to contact SFILEN. Community members should know that they have the following rights irrespective of their immigration status:

Right to remain silent. Individuals are not required to share identifying information about themselves, such as name and country of origin. We encourage community members to remain in silence to avoid making way for collateral arrests.
Right to deny any unlawful searches. Searches by enforcement officers should be accompanied by proper documentation and conducted in truthful manner.
Right to due process. Individuals facing detention are legally entitled to attorney representation and to phone their loved ones.

CAA also advises individual community members to prepare a family emergency plan that includes copies of important identity documents, emergency contacts, and power of attorney forms, and to store this plan with a trusted family member or friend.

Individuals may call the SFILEN Rapid Response Hotline at (415) 200-1548 to report or verify information related to ICE activities. The Hotline is open 24/7, and available in multiple languages. For general inquiries related to immigration and community resource referrals, CAA’s Immigration Hotline is available in both Chinese and English at (415) 761-3222.


Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) is a community-based civil rights organization in San Francisco. Our mission is to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial injustice.



加州舊金山市 — 華人權益促進會 (CAA; 華促會) 譴責川普政府計劃在灣區和美國其他城市進行移民執法行動,並建議社區成員通過華促會及其他合作組織獲得移民法律和相關社區服務。

雖然移民和海關執法局 (ICE) 目前還未在舊金山執行任何的行動,但北加州移民緊急求助熱線網路已確認ICE於北加州開始部分移民執法行動,並拒絕為移民提供憲法保障之權益,直接違反加州法律。許多社區成員因政府種族定性和刻意遁辭正當法律程序而被逮捕和拘留。被捕移民被送至加州以外的拘留所,更引起移民社區被迫與親人分離的恐懼。

華促會移民權利項目經理林語慧表示,「我們都知道ICE長期以不合法的方式執行移民執法行動,欺騙移民社區並侵犯民權和人權。 特別是從川普政府執政開始,我們目睹越來越多移民法庭拒絕為移民提供正當的法律程序和語言服務,還有在美墨邊境對移民家庭和尋求避難者的虐待。」

舊金山市的庇護條例禁止舊金山市警察局 (SFPD) 或任何其他市政機構幫助ICE執法人員執行移民執法行動,包括透漏個人移民資料或是因移民身分提供不平等法律待遇。

作為舊金山移民法律和教育網絡 (SFILEN) 和舊金山移民緊急求助熱線網絡的成員,華促會鼓勵需要免費移民法律服務和資源的社區成員及時聯繫SFILEN。 社區成員,無論移民身分,都應該熟悉以下憲法所賦予的權利:

你有權保持沉默。 你不需要主動向移民執法人員告知自己的移民身分或個人資料,例如姓名和出生地。 我們鼓勵社區成員在任何情況下都保持沉默,以避免被連坐逮捕。
你有權拒絕任何不合法的搜捕。 所有執法行動與搜查都應附有有效的執法文件,任何誤導或詐欺的行為都能將執法行動非合法化。
你有權要求正當的法律程序。 任何面臨拘留的社區成員都有權要求律師代表並撥打電話通知親友。


社區可致電SFILEN移民緊急求助熱縣 (415 – 200 – 1548) 報告或核實與移民執法行動相關的信息。 該熱線全天候開放,並提供多種語言服務。若華語社區有需非緊急移民資訊和社區資源轉介,可致電華促會移民熱線 (415 – 761-3222)。


華人權益促進會 (CAA; 華促會) 是一個社區為基礎的民權組織。 坐落於舊金山市華埠,我們的機構使命為保護在美華裔社區的公民權利和政治權利,並推動多種族民主政治系統。 我們倡導系統性變革,保護移民權利,促進語言多樣性,並糾正社會種族隔閡與不公。

April 1, 2019

CAA Joins API Legislative Caucus in Countdown to 2020 Census

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April 25, 2018

CAA Congratulates Ms. Sherry Chen on Lawsuit Victory

San Francisco, CA— Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) expresses its strong agreement with today’s ruling in favor of Sherry Chen in her case against wrongful prosecution and termination.  We congratulate and applaud Ms. Chen for her perseverance and courage and…
March 29, 2018

Citizenship Question on 2020 Census Undermines Democracy

San Francisco — CAA denounces the decision by the U.S. Department of Commerce to include a citizenship question in the 2020 Census. According to independent experts, including this question will cause a more costly and inaccurate Census count, and will…