San Francisco, CA: Today, the First District Court of Appeal issued a ruling in favor of San Francisco and restoring immigrant parents’ right to vote in school board elections. This case was appealed to the California Court of Appeals by the San Francisco City Attorney, David Chiu, after the San Francisco Superior Court struck down Ordinance 206-21, also known as Prop N. CAA and the Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative celebrate the Court’s ruling upholding San Francisco voters’ decision to extend voting to immigrant parents.

The lawsuit was brought by James Lacy, a conservative, who also sued Oakland and lost an effort to remove a similar immigrant voting proposal from Oakland’s November 2022 ballot. Lacy has 10 calendar days after the First District Court of Appeal decision becomes final to file an appeal with the California Supreme Court. 

Amos Lim, an immigrant parent who submitted a declaration to the lower courts said, “As a parent of a high school student heading back to classes next week, I am very relieved that the Court ruled in our favor. Having a voice at the ballot box to decide the educational goals for my daughter is very important to me. I look forward to registering to vote again at the next SFUSD School Board election. I hope this ruling provides some relief to other immigrant parents who might be worried about registering to vote as the lawsuit was pending. I hope they will all join me in registering to vote at the next SFUSD Board Election and exercise their constitutional right to be heard.”

Mirna Vasquez, Lead Organizer for Coleman Advocates says, “Immigrant voting has always been lawful, and consistent with the San Francisco charter – and the Court thankfully agreed with us today. Allowing immigrants to have a say in their child’s education is a step toward a more equitable and equal society.” 

“The Court’s decision is a ruling in favor of a stronger and more inclusive democracy when we allow for more diverse voices to be represented at the ballot box. San Francisco and the Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative will always stand up for immigrant parents and their right to be heard. We won today, because of decades of grassroots organizing and made it a reality because of San Francisco voters,” says Adoubou Traore, Executive Director of the African Advocacy Network. 

Wassim Hage, Case Manager/Community Outreach Coordinator at the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), states “We’re happy to see that the court has upheld immigrant voting in San Francisco. Our Arab immigrant parents have every right to have a say in who makes decisions for their children. We want a school board that is responsive to the needs of migrant parents and their children. While this is just a step in the right direction, we look forward to expanding democratic participation in our city for all marginalized communities.”

CAA is grateful to San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu for fighting for immigrant parents. CAA and the Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative encourage immigrant parents to contact us for further information at 415-761-3222 if there are questions about the court decision.


Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice. You can learn more about us at




凌倩恩(Sin Yen Ling) 资讯主任英语及广东话)

李蒙阳(Grace Li) 资讯经理英语)


加州旧金山: 今天,第一上诉法院做出有利于旧金山的裁决,恢复了移民家长在校区教委选举中的投票权。此案是在旧金山高等法院推翻第206-21 号法案(又称 N 号提案)后,由旧金山市府律师邱信福(David Chiu)向加州上诉法院提起的上诉。华促会(CAA)和移民家长投票协作组织(IPVC)庆祝法院的裁决,支持旧金将投票权扩展至移民家长的决定。

这起诉讼由保守派人士詹姆斯·莱西(James Lacy)提起,他也曾起诉奥克兰, 试图在奥克兰2022年11月的投票中挑战类似的移民投票提案,但最终败诉。在今天第一区上诉法院做出最终裁决后的 10 日内,莱西可向加州最高法院提起上诉。

向下级法院提交声明的移民家长林明利(Amos Lim)说:“作为下周即将返校上课的高中生的家长,我对法院做出有利于我们的裁决感到非常欣慰。能够在投票箱前发表意见,决定我女儿的教育目标对我来说非常重要。我期待在下一次旧金山联合校区的教委选举中再次参与投票。我也希望这一裁决能宽慰其他移民家长,因为他们可能会因为(去年)诉讼未决而对登记投票感到担心。我希望他们都能和我一起在下一届教委选举中投票,行使宪法赋予他们的表达意见的权利。”

科尔曼儿童和青年倡导者组织(Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth)的首席组织者 Mirna Vasquez 说:”移民投票一直以来都是合法的,并且符合旧金山宪章的规定,感谢法院今天同意了我们的观点。允许移民在其子女的教育问题上拥有发言权,是朝着更加公平、平等的社会迈出的重要一步。

“当我们允许更多不同的声音在投票箱中得到代表时,法院的裁决有利于建立一个更强大、更具包容性的民主制度。旧金山和移民家长投票协作组织将始终站在移民家长的立场上,维护他们发表意见的权利”,非洲宣传网络(African Advocacy Network)执行主任阿杜布·特拉奥雷(Adoubou Traore)表示:“我们今天取得的胜利归功于数十年来的基层组织工作,也要归功于旧金山的选民们。”

阿拉伯资源与组织中心 (AROC)案例经理/社区外联协调员瓦西姆·哈吉(Wassim Hage)说:”我们很高兴看到法院支持旧金山的移民投票权。我们的阿拉伯移民父母完全有权对谁为他们的孩子做决定拥有发言权。我们希望学校董事会能够对移民家长及其子女的需求做出回应。虽然这只是朝着正确方向迈出的一小步,但我们期待着扩大本市所有边缘化社区的民主参与。

华促会非常感谢旧金山市市府律师邱信福为移民家长争取权益。华促会和移民家长投票协作组织鼓励移民家长如果对法院判决有任何疑问,请致电 415-761-3222 与我们联系,获取更多信息。






淩倩恩(Sin Yen Ling) 資訊主任英語及廣東話)

李蒙陽(Grace Li) 資訊經理英語)


加州舊金山: 今天,第一上訴法院做出有利於舊金山的裁決,恢復了移民家長在校區教委選舉中的投票權。此案是在舊金山高等法院推翻第206-21 號法案(又稱 N 號提案)後,由舊金山市府律師邱信福(David Chiu)向加州上訴法院提起的上訴。華促會(CAA)和移民家長投票協作組織(IPVC)慶祝法院的裁決,支持舊金將投票權擴展至移民家長的決定。

這起訴訟由保守派人士詹姆斯·萊西(James Lacy)提起,他也曾起訴奧克蘭, 試圖在奧克蘭2022年11月的投票中挑戰類似的移民投票提案,但最終敗訴。在今天第一區上訴法院做出最終裁決後的 10 日內,萊西可向加州最高法院提起上訴。

向下級法院提交聲明的移民家長林明利(Amos Lim)說:「作為下周即將返校上課的高中生的家長,我對法院做出有利於我們的裁決感到非常欣慰。能夠在投票箱前發表意見,決定我女兒的教育目標對我來說非常重要。我期待在下一次舊金山聯合校區的教委選舉中再次參與投票。我也希望這一裁決能寬慰其他移民家長,因為他們可能會因為(去年)訴訟未決而對登記投票感到擔心。我希望他們都能和我一起在下一屆教委選舉中投票,行使憲法賦予他們的表達意見的權利。」

科爾曼兒童和青年倡導者組織(Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth)的首席組織者 Mirna Vasquez 說:”移民投票一直以來都是合法的,並且符合舊金山憲章的規定,感謝法院今天同意了我們的觀點。允許移民在其子女的教育問題上擁有發言權,是朝著更加公平、平等的社會邁出的重要一步。

「當我們允許更多不同的聲音在投票箱中得到代表時,法院的裁決有利於建立一個更強大、更具包容性的民主製度。舊金山和移民家長投票協作組織將始終站在移民家長的立場上,維護他們發表意見的權利」,非洲宣傳網絡(African Advocacy Network)執行主任阿杜布·特拉奧雷(Adoubou Traore)表示:「我們今天取得的勝利歸功於數十年來的基層組織工作,也要歸功於舊金山的選民們。」

阿拉伯資源與組織中心 (AROC)案例經理/社區外聯協調員瓦西姆·哈吉(Wassim Hage)說:”我們很高興看到法院支持舊金山的移民投票權。我們的阿拉伯移民父母完全有權對誰為他們的孩子做決定擁有發言權。我們希望學校董事會能夠對移民家長及其子女的需求做出回應。雖然這只是朝著正確方向邁出的一小步,但我們期待著擴大本市所有邊緣化社區的民主參與。

華促會非常感謝舊金山市市府律師邱信福為移民家長爭取權益。華促會和移民家長投票協作組織鼓勵移民家長如果對法院判決有任何疑問,請致電 415-761-3222 與我們聯系,獲取更多信息。

