Sin Yen Ling, CAA Director of Communications,
March 4, 2025
Press Statement

San Francisco Stands United in Supporting Birthright Citizenship

SF Board of Supervisors: Birthright Citizenship is the Law and it is Not Up for Debate

San Francisco, CA – Today, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously voted in support of a resolution reaffirming birthright citizenship protections under the 14th Amendment,  sending a clear message that San Francisco will not stand by as the Trump administration attempts to violate the U.S. Constitution.

The vote to support birthright citizenship comes as national conversations continue regarding the importance of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees citizenship to everyone born in the United States, regardless of their parents’ immigration status. Nationwide, at least 10 lawsuits have been filed challenging Trump’s executive order and four federal judges have issued a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of Trump’s order.

San Francisco and the Story of Wong Kim Ark

San Francisco plays a significant role in the story of birthright citizenship. The principle of birthright citizenship was affirmed 127 years ago in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, in which the Supreme Court determined that San Francisco-born Chinese American Wong Kim Ark and all U.S.-born children of immigrants are guaranteed citizenship under the Constitution.

Wong Kim Ark was born in 1873 at 751 Sacramento Street in San Francisco Chinatown. His father, Wong Si Ping, and his mother, Wee Lee, owned a grocery store but were unable to naturalize as U.S. citizens at that time.

In 1894, he left to visit his wife and child in China with the intention of returning to the United States. Upon reentry in 1895, he was denied admission on the false basis that he was not a citizen of the United States. While he was detained, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association hired an attorney and the case was litigated all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ultimately, the Court ruled that birthright citizenship applied to any and all children born in the United States including those whose parents were immigrants.

San Francisco has historically been a gateway for immigrants, from Chinese laborers in the 19th century to Latin American, African, and Asian immigrant communities today. The city’s diverse and deep immigrant roots makes the city a key player in defending birthright citizenship. 

San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Connie Chan, District 1

“Birthright citizenship is a hard-fought well-earned constitutional right impacting generations of immigrants. In the name of Wong Kim Ark, we are committed to protecting this right, which was affirmed more than 125 years ago and should remain the law of the land,” said Supervisor Connie Chan. Supervisor Chan introduced the resolution in support of birthright citizenship.

Supervisor Stephen Sherrill, District 2

“I am proud to stand in support of this resolution, which reaffirms our commitment to the fundamental American principle that every child born on our soil is entitled to equal rights and opportunities. To think otherwise should be a non-starter. Birthright citizenship is not merely a legal provision. It embodies the spirit of fairness and inclusion that defines our country, and most importantly, this city,” said Supervisor Stephen Sherrill. 

Supervisor Danny Sauter, District 3

“Birthright citizenship is as much America’s story as it is San Francisco’s story. Our country and city thrive because of, not despite, the contributions of immigrants. We stand united in protecting birthright citizenship and commit to sharing the legacy of Wong Kim Ark, a son of San Francisco who reminds us of our strength in diversity,” said Supervisor Danny Sauter.

Supervisor Joel P. Engardio, District 4

“Birthright citizenship is a fundamental right the Chinese immigrant community fought hard to secure. Their legacy now protects immigrants of all races, and ensures every child born here has the opportunity to belong and thrive. As a sanctuary city, we must uphold this promise and defend birthright citizenship for future generations,” said Supervisor Joel P. Engardio.

Supervisor Bilal Mahmood, District 5

“Like many San Franciscans, I wouldn’t be where I am without birthright citizenship. Our forefathers were deliberate in enshrining this American right in the Constitution and as Americans, it’s our duty to defend and protect what is just,” said Supervisor Bilal Mahmood, the first South Asian elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the son of Pakistani immigrants. “I commend my colleague Supervisor Chan for introducing this resolution and for standing with all residents impacted by birthright.”

Supervisor Myrna Melgar, District 7

“Birthright citizenship is not only a constitutional right, but is a foundational principle of who we are as a nation. No child should ever have to live in fear because of the immigration status of their parents. While this should not be able to be stripped away with an executive order, there is a chilling effect on our communities and we need to stand firmly against this attack,” said  Supervisor Myrna Melgar.

Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, District 8

“Birthright citizenship is enshrined in our Constitution and was affirmed by the Supreme Court in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, a case that originated right here in San Francisco. Every child born on U.S. soil is a citizen, regardless of their parents’ nationality — that’s fundamental to our understanding of American citizenship. I am grateful to City Attorney David Chiu and his amazingly talented lawyers for stepping forward to defend this constitutional right,” said Supervisor Rafael Mandelman.

Supervisor Jackie Fielder, District 9

“The attacks on birthright citizenship are unconstitutional and mere political stunts intended to aggressively target and scapegoat immigrants. San Francisco won’t stand for it, and I will do all that I can to support our immigrant communities from these baseless attacks,” said Supervisor Jackie Fielder.

Supervisor Shamann Walton, District 10

“Birthright citizenship is not just a legal principle — it’s a constitutional right and a cornerstone of our nation’s identity,” said Supervisor Shamann Walton. “Birthright citizenship has been reaffirmed time and time again, including through the historic case of Wong Kim Ark right here in San Francisco. We will not stand by while this administration tries to strip away the rights of immigrant families and I am proud to stand with our City, our entire Board of Supervisors, and our community on this. Every child born in the United States is recognized as a United States citizen, no matter their parents’ status and that is a constitutional right.

Supervisor Chyanne Chen, District 11

“In the 1898 Supreme Court case United States v. Wong Kim Ark, the Court affirmed that the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizenship to all individuals born on U.S. soil, regardless of their parents’ immigration status. The president’s executive order to revoke birthright citizenship is a blatant attack on a constitutional right and rolls back progress that generations of Chinese Americans have fought for in this country,” said Supervisor Chyanne Chen.


Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice. You can learn more about us at



2025 年 3 月 4 日 

联系人:华促会 资讯主任 凌倩恩

Sin Yen Ling, 


旧金山市参事委员会:出生公民权是法律, 不容辩论 

加利福尼亚州, 旧金山——今天,旧金山参事会一致投票支持一项决议,重申宪法第十四修正案对出生公民权的保护,明确表示旧金山不会对特朗普政府试图违反美国宪法袖手旁观。 




黄金德于1873年出生在旧金山华埠沙加缅度街(Sacramento Street)萨克拉门托街751号。他的父亲黄四平和母亲李薇经营一家杂货店,但他们当时无法入籍成为美国公民。 




第1区市参事陈诗敏(Connie Chan)

“出生公民权是一项来之不易的宪法权利,影响了一代又一代的移民。以黄金德的名义,我们致力于保护这项权利,这项权利在125多年前就已得到确认,并应继续成为国家法律,” 市参事陈诗敏提出了支持出生公民权的决议。

第2区市参事谢里尔(Stephen Sherrill)


第3区市参事李尔德(Danny Sauter)

“出生公民权既是美国的故事,也是旧金山的故事。我们的国家和城市之所以繁荣,是因为移民的贡献,我们团结一致,保护出生公民权,并致力于分享旧金山之子黄金德故事 的深远影响,他提醒我们多元化的力量。”

第4区市参事殷嘉立(Joel P. Engardio)


第5区市参事马百乐(Bilal Mahmood) 

“像许多旧金山人一样,如果没有出生公民权,我就不会有今天的成就。我们的先辈们特意将这项美国权利写入宪法。作为美国人,我们有责任捍卫和保护正义,”市参事马百乐表示。他是首位当选旧金山参事会成员的南亚裔,也是巴基斯坦移民的儿子。 “我赞扬我的同事市参事陈诗敏提出的这项决议,并与所有受出生权影响的居民站在一起。” 

第7区市参事梅义加(Myrna Melgar)


第8区市参事孟达文(Rafael Mandelman) 

“出生公民权载入了我们的宪法,并在美国诉黄金德案中得到了最高法院的确认,该案就起源于旧金山。每个在美国领土上出生的孩子都是公民,无论其父母的国籍如何——这是我们理解美国公民权的基础。我感谢市府律师邱信福(David Chiu)和他才华横溢的律师团队挺身而出捍卫这项宪法权利。”

第9区市参事菲尔德(Jackie Fielder)


第10区市参事华颂善(Shamann Walton) 

“出生公民权不仅仅是一项法律原则,它是一项宪法权利,也是我们国家民族身份的基石。出生公民权原则一次又一次得到重申,包括旧金山历史性的黄金德案。我们不会袖手旁观,任由政府试图剥夺移民家庭的权利。我很自豪能与我们的城市、整个参事会和社区站在一起。每个在美国出生的孩子都被视为美国公民,无论其父母的移民身份如何,这是宪法赋予的权利。 ”

第11区市参事陈小焱(Chyanne Chen) 




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