
Chinese for Affirmative Action invited all candidates running for CCSF Board of Trustees to respond to our questions about how they will make CCSF a better school for immigrants, adult learners, and people who do not speak English. Seven candidates responded to CAA’s questions, and we have published their answers below. We hope reading their answers helps our community make an informed vote. We will hold candidates accountable to their commitments in their responses below.

The following responses were submitted by candidates in the 2024 City College of San Francisco Board of Trustees election.

Candidates: Alan Wong, Aliya Chisti, Ben Kaplan, Heather McCarty, Luis Zamora, Paige Bailey, Ruth Ferguson.

All candidates supported these ideas: 

  • Providing more custodial classes and Vocational English as a Second Language programs for limited-English proficient jobseekers and ensuring that there are more classes so that people can schedule flexibly.
  • Working with CityBuild Academy to provide Vocational English as a Second Language programs to allow limited-English proficient jobseekers in the impacted Chinatown community to gain access to CCSF workforce development opportunities. 
  • Expanding language assistance in CityBuild Academy to include Chinese language assistance.
  • Increasing funding for Vocational English as a Second Language programs at CCSF in order to resume ESL classes to pre-pandemic levels, have more classes scheduled during the weekends, and to have more Vocational ESL programs for the Chinese LEP community (and/or ensure that they include Chinese language assistance).
  • Developing balanced work-study opportunities for CCSF students to earn a living wage while studying. 
  • Allocating additional resources to provide smaller class sizes, especially for English as a Second Language instruction. 
  • Advocating and allocating resources to preserve Cantonese classes at CCSF.

Extended Candidate Responses: (English and Chinese)

Chinese for Affirmative Action is a501©(3) nonprofit and does not endorse or oppose any candidates for public office. Answers given above do not reflect the views or opinions of CAA.

Chinese Translation

旧金山市立大学 候选人问卷


华人权益促进会 邀請所有參選 CCSF 董事會嘅候選人回應我哋嘅問題,即係佢哋點樣令 CCSF 成為一間適合移民、成年學習者同唔識英文嘅人嘅更好學校。有七位候選人回應咗 CAA 嘅問題,我哋喺下面發佈咗佢哋嘅答案。我哋希望睇佢哋嘅答案可以幫到我哋嘅社群作出明智嘅投票。我哋會喺下面嘅回應入面要求候選人對佢哋嘅承諾負責。

候选人: Alan Wong 王兆伦, Aliya Chisti 艾丽雅, Ben Kaplan 班勇杰, Heather McCarty 希德 ‧ 麦卡蒂, Luis Zamora 刘易斯•扎莫拉, Paige Bailey 佩奇 ‧ 贝莉, Ruth Ferguson 露芙 ‧ 费格逊。


  • 为英语能力有限的求职者提供更多清洁与设施维护训练课程,以及职场英语作为第二语言课程, 确保有更多课程开设,让求职者灵活安排时间。
  • 与城市建设学院(CityBuild Academy)合作,提供职场英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程,让受疫情影响的华埠社区里英语能力有限的求职者能够获得旧金山市立大学的工作发展机会。
  • 扩大城市建设学院(CityBuild Academy)的语言协助服务并加入中文服务。
  • 增加旧金山市立大学职业英语作为第二语言课程的资金,让课程恢复到疫情前的水平,在周末安排更多课程,为华埠英语能力有限的社群提供更多职场英语作为第二外语课程(以及/或确保学院内有中文语言协助)。
  • 为旧金山市立大学学生开发兼顾工作与学习的机会,让他们就读期间能够赚取赚取足以维持生活的工资。
  • 分配额外资源以提供较小规模的课程, 特别是英语作为第二语言的教学。
  • 推动且调配资源以保留旧金山市立大学的粤语课程。

扩展候选人的回答: (英文同中文)